

I started using vim as my primary text editor about an year back. Then, I used to spend 80% of my time in remote shells within bastion (place where no remote server plugins helped connect my text editor to them log files; thanks to super awesome security settings πŸ™ƒ). Slowly getting familiar to the vim movements and then gaining some of those vim superpowers was simply AWESOME πŸš€


But often there are a couple of vim shortcuts which are super handy but get used very less frequently in daily work. So, once their work is done, I end up forgetting those magic keys and when required the next time (and since I know that there exists another way to get the task done in less keystrokes), I end up spending most of my time trying to find what exactly those magic keys were.

So I believe, it will be much easier to keep a note of those awesome shortcuts (below) and reference this list whenever I need it again. (For any other person reading this, you can use this as a know about guide, but makes much more sense when you have used these earlier and just need to quikly reference these back; since subconscious mind will only remember that a solution exists, but not the solution itself!)

Task Command/Key Combination
Remove line(s) which match a given pattern :g/pattern-to-match/d
Remove line(s) which do not match a given pattern :g!/pattern-to-match/d or :v/pattern-to-match/d
Change space to a new line (mostly about getting that ^M character (independent of os); for windows, it’s ctrl+q instead of ctrl+v (as that is paste) :%s/ /<ctrl+v><enter>/g
Clear the last seach highlight :let @/=""
  • Above list is updated as and when new superpowers are unlocked πŸ‘Ύ